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Calera, AL 35040
United States of America


We specialize in Real Estate and Architectural Photography. 

About Us

Welcome to Open Gate Photography LLC

We specialize in Real Estate Photography in Central Alabama. We got into real estate photography because, as a husband and wife team, we have not been happy with the pictures of houses we have seen. We have moved across country twice, and have spent days looking for places to rent or buy online. The problem we run into time and time again is the pictures of the houses. We have passed by a countless number of houses due to the quality or angles of the pictures. 


As it turns out, we were not alone. Up to 95% of all home buyers look online first. People have less time and its more convenient to just go online and look. 90% base their buying decision on the pictures alone. By using a professional photographer, a house will sell on average 32% faster. The professional photos will also increase the amount of people interested in the home, causing an increase in the price. 


We are back home in Alabama now and would like to help out. We will take care to show the house in the best possible light and show off all of the houses features. We want the buyer to know the houses before they even have to step in.